Wheel diameter from 50 to 200 mm
Diameter 16 mm spindle
Taper metric 24
Movement of the table:
longitudinal 260 mm
transverse 140 mm
300 mm vertical
Vertical movement of the rear carriage 130 mm
Distance clamping area of the spindle 120 to 420 mm
Distance of spindle axis from the axis of mandrel 70 to 240 mm
Table angle ± 45 ° -90 °
Rotate the fixture table in a horizontal plane 360 °
Rotation of the vertical plates 45 °
Distance tip divider unit and 500 mm Tailstock
The largest diameter of clamping between centers 180 mm
The greatest length of grinding 200 mm mandrel
Spindle speed 3200, 4800min-1
Electric motor 1.1 kW
Machine dimensions: length x width 1280X760mm
Machine Weight 480 kg
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