Cat.# 6362 5× Thrust Bearing
Cat.# 5093 4× Clevis Central
Cat.# 6171 4× Clevis Central
FNK 25
Cat.# 15952 4× Rotary table drive for milling machine
rozteč děr 52x135
Cat.# 4673 3× Thrust Bearing
Cat.# 5094 2× Clevis Central
Cat.# 5096 2× Sleeper cutter
Cat.# 8499 2× Thrust Bearing
Cat.# 5805 2× Shaper head
FN 32
Cat.# 5807 2× Shaper head
FN 32
Cat.# 5481 2× Thrust Bearing
FN 32
Cat.# 6098 2× Thrust Bearing
FU 20
Cat.# 6110 2× Thrust Bearing
FU 20
Cat.# 15634 1× FU 36 Milling head
Cat.# 14423 1× Milling head with collet chuck
Cat.# 3018 1× Head
Cat.# 13282 1× Head to the router FU 36
Cat.# 11826 1× Exceeding Thrust Bearing to FA4U
Cat.# 5891 1× Shaper head
Cat.# 15997 1× Shaper head for milling machine FGU 32, IOF20
Cat.# 15148 1× Forming head with beam for ALG-200 milling machine
Cat.# 6252 1× Thrust Bearing
Cat.# 16109 1× Thrust Bearing
Cat.# 8204 1× Thrust Bearing
Cat.# 5354 1× Clevis extreme
Cat.# 12681 1× Support bearing outer
Cat.# 14671 1× Edge thrust bearing for FB 25 milling machine
Cat.# 8878 1× Thrust Bearing
Cat.# 8919 1× Thrust Bearing
Cat.# 9459 1× Thrust Bearing to FA3H
Cat.# 10944 1× Thrust Bearing FA 3
Cat.# 10958 1× Thrust Bearing to FA 3
Cat.# 15781 1× Thrust Bearing FA 3
Cat.# 13305 1× Supporting bearing on the FA3 milling machine
Cat.# 14002 1× Support bearing for FA3U
Cat.# 6429 1× Support bearing for milling cutter
Cat.# 14690 1× Thrust bearing on cutter
Cat.# 14262 1× Thrust Bearing to FA 3 U
Cat.# 14242 1× Thrust Bearing to FA3A U
Cat.# 5091 1× Clevis Central
Cat.# 5092 1× Clevis Central
Cat.# 6356 1× Clevis Central
Cat.# 6357 1× Clevis Central
Cat.# 6358 1× Clevis Central
Cat.# 6360 1× Clevis Central
Cat.# 12679 1× Support bearing central
Cat.# 9100 1× The support arm on the router ALG 200
Cat.# 6579 1× Accessories
Cat.# 5885 1× Accessories
Cat.# 5901 1× The device on the conical holes
Cat.# 5073 1× Apparatus for boring tapered holes
Cat.# 6002 1× Apparatus for boring tapered holes
Cat.# 8551 1× Apparatus for boring tapered holes
Cat.# 3020 1× Table driven
Cat.# 7087 1× Sleeper cutter
Cat.# 6001 1× Sleeper cutter
Cat.# 10668 1× Beam on the abutment on FGS 50
Cat.# 6501 1× Supporting beam
Cat.# 15206 1× Vertical milling head for FU 36
Cat.# 6010 1× Spindle with Sleeper router
Cat.# 8811 1× Drilling quill
Cat.# 5501 1× Table for milling cutter FN 40
Cat.# 5355 1× End bearing for milling cutter
6 M 83 G
Cat.# 6752 1× Angled rotary table
Cat.# 5098 1× Angular rotary table
Cat.# 5913 1× High speed milling head
71-RF B 2 b
Cat.# 5261 1× Sleeper cutter
735mm Deckel
Cat.# 5262 1× Sleeper cutter
850mm Deckel
Cat.# 6888 1× Milling head
APS - II F 400
Cat.# 10460 1× Shaper head
Cat.# 5260 1× Milling head with beams FP 2
Cat.# 13304 1× Spindle to milling machine
délka 600 MK4
Cat.# 5795 1× Accessories
Cat.# 6667 1× Sleeper cutter
F 3 1100mm
Cat.# 6655 1× Thrust Bearing
FA 3
Cat.# 6354 1× End Clevis
FA 3
Cat.# 6115 1× Thrust Bearing
FA 3 U
Cat.# 6130 1× Thrust Bearing
FA 3 U
Cat.# 6485 1× Clevis Central
FA 3 U
Cat.# 5089 1× Thrust Bearing
FA 4 U
Cat.# 6301 1× Shaper head
Cat.# 5234 1× Tilting device RO
FGS 32/40
Cat.# 10624 1× Beam on the abutment on
FGS 50 - FGS 50/63
(TOS Kuřim)
Cat.# 2127 1× Universal Milling arm
FGS 50/63
(TOS Kuřim)
Cat.# 5090 1× Clevis extreme
FGU 32
Cat.# 6128 1× Thrust Bearing Extreme
FGU 32
Cat.# 5336 1× Folding cutter table
FN 22
Cat.# 5892 1× High-speed milling head
FN 32
Cat.# 5893 1× High-speed milling head
FN 32
Cat.# 5894 1× High-speed milling head
FN 32
Cat.# 5801 1× Shaper head
FN 32
Cat.# 8965 1× A support beam on the router FNGJ
Cat.# 6004 1× Sleeper cutter
Cat.# 12707 1× Shaper head to
FU 25
Cat.# 10655 1× Drilling and milling spindle
HES 60
Cat.# 8938 1× Milling unit
HUB 25
Cat.# 6494 1× Milling head
HUB 25 F 4 A
Cat.# 8987 1× Milling unit
HUB 40A/5 ISO 40
Cat.# 5516 1× Shaper head
IOF 20 - FGU32
Cat.# 9753 1× Milling head
ISO 40
Cat.# 16099 1× Milling device
ISO 40
Cat.# 6580 1× Head
ISO 40
Cat.# 8754 1× The spindle for milling machines FA 3
ISO 40
Cat.# 8755 1× The spindle for milling machines FA 3
ISO 40
Cat.# 12051 1× High speed milling head
ISO 50 na frézku FA 4 U - FA 4 AU
Cat.# 16098 1× Milling head
Cat.# 5997 1× Milling machine
IUG 32 A-P
Cat.# 11418 1× Vertical milling head
IVG - FGS 40/50
Cat.# 12357 1× Shaper head
na FU 25
Cat.# 12358 1× Auxiliary beam to exchange heads
na FU 25
Cat.# 13975 1× Swivel, tilting, angle table for milling machine clamping surface 800x450, tilting + -45°
naklopení + -45°
Cat.# 12864 1× Clamping pin on OF 71
prům 27, délka 450
Cat.# 12863 1× Clamping pin on OF 71
prům 32, délka 450
Cat.# 8500 1× Thrust Bearing
průměr 55mm
Cat.# 15954 1× Rotary table drive for milling machine
rozteč děr 50x135
Cat.# 15950 1× Rotary table drive for milling machine
rozteč děr 52x135
Cat.# 15951 1× Rotary table drive for milling machine
rozteč děr 60x165
Cat.# 14453 1× Milling machine table
upínací plocha 500x230
Cat.# 9113 1× Folding table on the router
upínací plocha 500x250
Cat.# 14554 1× Milling machine table
upínací plocha 650x340
Cat.# 14685 1× Milling machine table
upínací plocha 800x300
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